Make Directories For The Current File

The vim-eunuch plugin provides Vim commands that correspond to many common Unix shell commands. One such command is an equivalent to the mkdir command.

The mkdir command creates the given directory if it doesn't already exist. If multiples levels of new directories are specified, the -p flag can be included to create each successive level.

The vim-eunuch equivalents are Mkdir and Mkdir!.

Let's say I'm working within a project that doesn't currently have a docs directory. When I open up a buffer to docs/, before I can write that new file, I need to create the docs directory. Running :Mkdir will do that.

Now let's say I open up a buffer to src/api/util/base.js. The src directory already exists, but neither /api nor util/ nested under it exist. Before I can write the buffer, I need to create both of those directories. :Mkdir on its own won't create these nested directories. Instead I need to reach for the -p equivalent which is :Mkdir!.

See :h eunuch-:Mkdir for more details.

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