Install Postgres With uuid-ossp Using asdf

The uuid-ossp extension is part of postgres-contrib and is often included with installs of PostgreSQL. By default, when installing PostgreSQL with asdf using the asdf-postgres plugin, the uuid-ossp extension is not included.

Without it I had trouble running schema migrations against a database that was trying to create the uuid-ossp extension:

postgresql uuid-ossp.control file missing in extention folder

To include uuid-ossp when installing Postgres with asdf, you'll need to include extra config options.

For instance, to install Postgres 9.6.21 with uuid-ossp included:

$ POSTGRES_EXTRA_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--with-uuid=e2fs" asdf install postgres 9.6.21

There are some resources that recommend using --with-uuid=ossp, but that appears to require a prerequisite install of a separate package, so I prefer the e2fs option.


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