Vault CLI Basics

Setup Env Variables

# Setup Env Variables
$vault = @{url = ""; token="secure string" }
$consul = @{url = ""; token="secure string" }

$env:VAULT_ADDR = $vault.url
$env:VAULT_TOKEN = $vault.token  

$env:CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR = $consul.url
$env:CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN = $consul.token

TEST a new cluster:

  vault login -address="https://URL:8200" "SOMEPASS"
  vault login -address=$vault.url $vault.token

  vault secrets enable -version=1 -path DV kv
  vault kv put app/env/"some.API"/1.0/Redis TLS=False

Show we can connect to secrets

  # Show we can connect to secrets
  vault secrets list

  # show secrets example
  vault kv get app/env/some.API/1.0/ApplicationInsights/InstrumentationKey

Export Vault Settings

Source of Exporting Vault


  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:longsleep/golang-backports
  sudo apt update
  sudo apt install golang-go
  go version
  export GOPATH=~/go
  export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

  # install the export tool
  go get -u

  export VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:8200/

  # Export secrets to a file
  vault-kv-tool -root=env/ > data.json


  # install the export tool
  go get -u

  # Export secrets to a file
  $file = "secrets-vault-.json"
  vault-kv-tool -root=app/env/'some.API'/ | out-file $file

Import Vault Settings

# Import Vault file
  vault secrets enable -version=1 -path DV kv
  get-content | jq . | vault-kv-tool -root=app/env/'some.API'/ -write

  # Alternative using the client itself:
  vault kv put app/env/some.API/1.0 @kyron-api.json
  vault kv put app/env/some.API/1.0 @kyron-api.json --format
  $path = "app/env/some.API/1.0"
  $server = "https://URL8200"
  $token = "SOMEPASS"
  $headers = @{"X-Vault-Token"=$token}
  $HTTPServer = "$server/v1/$path"

  vault write -format=json $path @some-api.json

  curl --header "X-Vault-Token: SOMEPASS" --request POST --data @some-api.json https://URL:8200/v1/app/env/some.API/1.0

Invoke-WebRequest -H $headers -UseBasicParsing -method POST -body @some-api.json -Uri "$server/secret/data/$path"
Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Method Post $HTTPServer 

Last updated