List Different Commits Between Two Branches

There are times when I want to get a sense of the difference between two branches. I don't want to look at the actual diff though, I just want to see what commits are on one and the other.

I can do just this by using the git-log command with a couple flags, most importantly the --cherry-pick flag.

To compare the feature branch against the master branch, I can run a command like the following:

$ git log --left-right --graph --cherry-pick --oneline feature...branch

This lists commits with the first line of their messages. It also includes either a < or > arrow at the front of each commit indicating whether the commit is on the left (feature) or right (master) branch, respectively.

Note: you can use more than branches in a command like this. Any two references will work. You can just use two SHAs for instance.


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