Interactively Browse Available Node Versions

There are a variety of ways to install and manage your version(s) of Node. My tool of choice is asdf.

Once I have the Node.js asdf plugin installed, I can view the versions of Node that are available to install.

$ asdf list-all nodejs

This is a massive list. Normally my next step would be to grep against the output. We can take it a step further by making the results interactively browsable with FZF.

$ asdf list-all nodejs | fzf

I can type into the FZF prompt which will fuzzily narrow down the results. I can even add a splash of regex to anchor agains the major version.

For instance, 10 will show 10.x.x as well as pre-1.0 results that contain 10. If, however, I prompt FZF with ^10, then the 10 is anchored to the front of the string which is the major version -- so 10.x.x results.

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