Rescue From With A Separate Method

In an earlier post on rescue_from, I showed how you can write an exception handler with a block argument.

If instead you'd prefer to implement the exception handler as a separate method, you can do that by passing rescue_from a with keyword argument. This too will behave as a catch-all for a particular exception raised in your controller.

Here is what that can look like:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  rescue_from User::NotAuthorized, with: :handle_unauthorized_user

  def index
    # ...


  def handle_unauthorized_user(exception)
    # respond with some Not Authorized page

If the User::NotAuthorized exception bubbles up to the rescue_from, then it will hand that exception off to the handle_unauthorized_user method. We can include whatever logic and monitoring we want here and then render an appropriate response.

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