To Stop a service, there are multiple ways of checking to see the service state if you need to execute:
function stop_service() {
log_banner "Stop & clean [$1]..." $FUNC
if [ $# -gt 2 ] || [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Incorrect parameters passed" # If parameters no equal 2
# Get Service State
log_info "Executing: ==> systemctl show -p SubState --value $1" $FUNC
#ps -ef | grep $1
#systemctl is-active --quiet $1 && echo Service is running
#systemctl show -p SubState --value $1 # returns dead/running/notrunning
#systemctl show -p ActiveState --value $1 # returns active/inactive
SERVICE_STATE=$(systemctl show -p SubState --value $1)
log_info "Service [$1] is $SERVICE_STATE" $FUNC
#log_info "Searching for [$1] Service..." $FUNC
#if (( $(ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep $1 | wc -l) > 0 ))
if [ $SERVICE_STATE = "running" ];
log_info "[$1] is running - we'll need to stop that..." $FUNC
sudo systemctl stop $1
log_success "[$1] is stopped!!!" $FUNC
log_info "Executing: ==> sudo systemctl $2 $1" $FUNC
sudo systemctl $2 $1
log_info "no action required as service [$1] is not running or not found." $FUNC