Skip Validations When Creating A Record

Validations on your ActiveRecord models are there for a reason. They provide application-level feedback about data that doesn't meet business requirements. In many cases those validations should also be pushed down to the database-layer in the form of constraints.

Sometimes, though rarely and probably only in a testing or development context, you'll want to skip validations.

This is how you can do that when creating a new record:

user =
  name: 'Josh',
  email: '',
  password: SecureRandom.uuid

#=> false
#=> {:email=>["can't be blank"]} false)

After newing-up an object with invalid data, you can save it with the validate option set to false. This will skip ActiveRecord validations.

Note: If you also have a database-layer constraint, this won't work. Perhaps for your use case you can get by with a new non-persisted record.

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