Configure FZF To Use fd For File Finding

By default, FZF uses the find command as its source for fuzzy finding files. So fzf.vim will also be using find when you invoke :Files. There are some speedier, more intelligent, and more user-friendly alternatives to find. I like fd.

We can configure FZF to use fd by adding a line like the following to our ~/.vimrc file.

let $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND = 'fd --type f --color=always'

This will use fd to find files (--type f) using colorful output.

We can remove some noise from the output by adding a couple extra flags:

let $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND = 'fd --type f --color=always' --exclude .git --ignore-file ~/.gitignore'

This will keep the .git directory out of the result and prevent anything listed in the main .gitignore file from being found.

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