Loading Credentials

How to extract K8s credentials from azure

Terraform can be used executed locally using your own env, in a cloud shell via azure, or even via a docker image. This explanation will go through setting up natively on your own posh shell.

Loading creds

Once the cluster is deployed, if you want to connect to the cluster, cd /app.Deploy/helm

# Set the variables for your environment
$app = "app"
$env = "dev"
$zone = "z1"
$prefix = "$($app)$($env)$($zone)
$rg = "$prefix-core-rg"
$aks = "$prefix-core-aks"

# Load credentials for the cluster
az aks get-credentials --resource-group $rg --name $aks
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=$ns


# Az commandline - set active subscription
az account set --subscription $subscription_id
az aks browse --resource-group $rg --name $aks


This now means I have saved the connection info to my cluster into my ~.kube\config file. I can now test the connection by running the following:

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