Definition of Done (DOD)
Feature: Definition of Done
UX considerations (If applicable) are created under parent EPIC
Sub-Features contain Acceptance Criteria and Test Cases
Scope changes and design decisions are documented and approved by Product Owner
Considered DFS requirements in Implementation
Followed architectural standards around best practices, logging, etc
PBIs and Tasks are created to capture Architecture and Design details for Parent Feature
Code follows appropriate coding standards
Source control built without errors
All Tasks for all PBIs have been completed
Test plans are updated, executed and passed against QA build
Severity 1 & 2 Defects are resolved
QA Lead confirms that Feature is integrated and passes all Tests
UX Lead approves Feature meets UI/UX objectives Product Owner or Business Analyst approves that
Work Item: Definition of Done
Work Item: Definition of Done
Code is competed with no significant defects
Code is peer reviewed
Unit tests are done
Integration tests are completed
Regression tests are completed
Development (PR Commit) Linked to PBI
Documentation is completed
Code is moved to QA
The test results match the acceptance criteria
CI/CD automation is in place All tasks are marked as done
Last updated