Two Kinds Of Dotted Range Notation

There are two kinds of dotted range notation in git -- .. and ....

If you'd like to view all changes on your current feature branch since checking out from master, you can use the two-dot notation:

 git log master..some-feature-branch --oneline
9e50bff (some-feature-branch) Add second feature change
b11bb0b Add first feature change

You could also switch the refs around to see what has changed on master since checking out:

 git log some-feature-branch..master --oneline
c2880f8 (HEAD -> master) Add description to README

Then there is the three-dot notation. This will include all commits from the second ref that aren't in the first and all commits in the first that aren't in the second.

 git log master...some-feature-branch --oneline
c2880f8 (HEAD -> master) Add description to README
9e50bff (some-feature-branch) Add second feature change
b11bb0b Add first feature change

See man git-rev-parse for more details.


Last updated