Configure Ingress

Preparing local Linux environment or VM.

Do the following once to prepare your environment:


  • If you are deploying from Win10 laptop, enable Linux Subsystem on Windows Features and install Linux subsystem of your choice. The document below assumes that Ubuntu 16.x was installed. Follow for reference if necessary. As an alternative, any Linux machine or VM could be used.

  • Install Helm client from (this document was tested with client version 2.9.0,

  • AKS only: use az aks install-cli to install kubectl client. Refer MS documentation for details.

  • Ensure that helm, kubectl (and oc if OpenShift is used) binaries are included in your PATH. On Win10-based Linux subsystem you can just move these binaries to ~/bin. Note: oc binary is full copy of kubectl binary if OpenShift is used.

  • Ensure that primary nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf is Note that Win10-based Linux subsystem uses to prepend and nameservers as primary.

  • AKS only: use az aks get-credentials -f .... to update kubectl configuration with credentials of your server. Refer MS documentation for details.

  • OpenShift only: Login with oc CLI tool. The easiest way to get login credentials for CLI login is to login to OpenShift console in your browser, click on your name at top right corner and copy login command. It will be looking like "oc login --token=5lD3gNwU..............". Run this command in your Linux shell and ensure that it works and you see tiller namespace in the list of available namespaces.

Helm Setup

For deployment of Ingress controller, stock template from project is used with some customization.

Clone this project with git:

git clone

Under stable/nginx-express/templates/, edit controller-deployment.yaml and remove the following block lines 104 to 112:

104     securityContext:
105            Capabi8lities:
106                drop:
107                    - All
108                add:
109                   - NET_BIND_SERVICE
110            runAsUser: {{ ,..}}
111            allowPrivilegeEscalation {{ ... }}
112        {{- end }}
113        env

Under stable/nginx-express/, edit values.yaml and set and ingressClass to match your environment, like below:

    name: as-dev
        tag: ....
ingresClass: as-dev

Create Kubernetes secret:

kubectl create secret tls aks-ingress-tls --namespace ingress-basic --key aks-ingress-tls.key --cert aks-ingress-tls.crt

The files aks-ingress-tls.key and aks-ingress-tls.crt are and they are stored in lastpass

Create a policy for tiller:

kubectl policy add-role-to-user edit "system:serviceaccount:${TILLER_NAMESPACE}:tiller"

Install Helm Chart

Install helm chart (substitute your nginx container name and namespace name):

helm install --name nginx-as-dev nginx-ingress --namespace as-dev

Check Ingres

Check that nginx-ingress container was started (substitute your namespace name):

kubectl get services –-namespace as-dev

Configuring Certs

Convert a PFX to a Base64 string:

$fileContentBytes = get-content '' -Encoding Byte

Generate a self signed cert

#openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ${KEY_FILE} -out ${CERT_FILE} -subj "/CN=${HOST}/O=${HOST}"


$ag = @{

openssl req -x509 -nodes @ag
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout "./ingress.key" -out "./ingress.pem" -subj "/CN=${HOST}/O=${HOST}"

$key = get-content ./ingress.key
$pem = get-content ./ingress.pem

$namespace = "app-d"
$secretname = "ingresstls"

kubectl create secret tls $secretname `
    --namespace $namespace `
    --key $key `
    --cert $pem

kubectl create secret tls $secretname `
    --namespace $namespace `
    --key "./ingress.key" `
    --cert "./ingress.pem"

kubectl create secret docker-registry $ACR_SHORTNAME `
  --docker-server=$ACR_NAME `
  --docker-username=$ACR_UNAME `
  --docker-password=$ACR_PASSWD `

Here is another way of generating the certs using modules

module "root_tls_self_signed_ca" {
   source = ""

  name              = "${}-root"
  ca_common_name    = "${var.common_name}"
  organization_name = "${var.organization_name}"
  common_name       = "${var.common_name}"
  download_certs    = "${var.download_certs}"

  validity_period_hours = "8760"

  ca_allowed_uses = [

module "leaf_tls_self_signed_cert" {
  source = ""

  name              = "${}-leaf"
  organization_name = "${var.organization_name}"
  common_name       = "${var.common_name}"
  ca_override       = true
  ca_key_override   = "${module.root_tls_self_signed_ca.ca_private_key_pem}"
  ca_cert_override  = "${module.root_tls_self_signed_ca.ca_cert_pem}"
  download_certs    = "${var.download_certs}"

  validity_period_hours = "8760"

  dns_names = [

  ip_addresses = [

  allowed_uses = [

Last updated