Pretty Printing JSONB Rows

Who needs a document store when you can just use PostgreSQL's JSONB data type? Viewing rows of JSONB output can be challenging though because it defaults to printing them as a single line of text.

> select '{"what": "is this", "nested": {"items 1": "are the best", "items 2": [1, 2, 3]}}'::jsonb;
 {"what": "is this", "nested": {"items 1": "are the best", "items 2": [1, 2, 3]}}
(1 row)

Fortunately, Postgres comes with a function for prettying up the format of the output of these rows -- jsonb_pretty

> select jsonb_pretty('{"what": "is this", "nested": {"items 1": "are the best", "items 2": [1, 2, 3]}}'::jsonb);
 {                                 +
     "what": "is this",            +
     "nested": {                   +
         "items 1": "are the best",+
         "items 2": [              +
             1,                    +
             2,                    +
             3                     +
         ]                         +
     }                             +
(1 row)

h/t Jack Christensen

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