Tell Prettier To Not Format A Statement

Prettier is a boon to productivity because individuals and teams don't have to make any decisions about the fine details of how their code is formatted. Generally, let prettier do its thing.

There are some situations where you want to preserve your own formatting, especially if it improves readability.

Here is some prettier formatted code:

const relativeCoords = {
  A: [xPos - 1, yPos - 1],
  B: [xPos, yPos - 1],
  C: [xPos + 1, yPos - 1],
  D: [xPos - 1, yPos],
  E: [xPos + 1, yPos],
  F: [xPos - 1, yPos + 1],
  G: [xPos, yPos + 1],
  H: [xPos + 1, yPos + 1],

Originally, I included some whitespace to keep things visually aligned. If I include a prettier-ignore comment, the statement immediately following it will not be touched by prettier.

// prettier-ignore
const relativeCoords = {
  A: [xPos - 1, yPos - 1],
  B: [xPos    , yPos - 1],
  C: [xPos + 1, yPos - 1],
  D: [xPos - 1, yPos    ],
  E: [xPos + 1, yPos    ],
  F: [xPos - 1, yPos + 1],
  G: [xPos    , yPos + 1],
  H: [xPos + 1, yPos + 1],


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