The nullif Function

PostgreSQL, in addition to generalized case statements, includes the nullif function. The docs describe it as a way "to perform the inversation operation of a coalesce".

Rather than resolving to some fallback value if the primary value is null (like coalesce does), it will resolve to null if the given values are the same.

> select nullif(0, 0);
(1 row)

If the values are not equal, then the first value is the result of the function.

> select nullif(1, 0);
(1 row)

One way this can be used is in conjunction with the coalesce function. For instance, if I have a table of values that are either 0 or a positive number, I can coerce all the zeros to be 1 like so.

> select coalesce(nullif(0, 0), 1);
(1 row)

h/t Ian Jones

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