Schedule Sidekiq Jobs Out Into The Future

The most common way to schedule a Sidekiq job is with the perform_async method. That will queue up your job so that it is worked as soon as possible. That may not also be desired. Sometimes you want a bit more say in when jobs are run.

The perform_in and perform_at methods can help with scheduling jobs out into the future.

With perform_in we can say how much time from now would be the soonest that we'd like the job performed.

MyWorker.perform_in(10.minutes, arg1, arg2)

We can do the same thing with perform_at.

MyWorker.perform_at(10.minutes.from_now, arg1, arg2)

Or we can schedule something out for a specific point in time in the future.

MyWorker.perform_at(, arg1, arg2)


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