Group By The Result Of A Function Call

Typically, a query that I write involving a group by will look more or less like this:

select category, count(*)
  from products
  group by category;

The category column is the thing I'm grouping by. In this case, I'm doing a little data exploration.

We are not strictly limited to grouping by a column. We can use all sorts of functions offered by Postgres to get at more interesting results. String functions are a great place to start.

Let's say our products table also has an identifier column with a naming scheme where the first three letters of the identifier correspond to the product's classification. We can group by that part of the identifier:

select substring(identifier from 1 for 3), count(*)
  from products
  group by substring(identifier from 1 for 3);

The funkiness of the substring syntax aside, we were able to group our products in a new way and learn something about our data.

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